What we offer:

Your body integrated.

Your body is not just a mix of isolated parts and group of muscles. It is designed to function as a whole unit. Why not exercise the same way? 
Your body is meant to function just like an orchestra: powerful, fluid and beautiful.
Your body like the orchestra’s instruments, requires maintenance, respect and love. 
Your body, like the musician, needs constant practice for continued high performance. 
We can guide you to an integrated body with clear techniques and movement patterns through Gyrotonic method and Pilates . 
Your practice doesn’t end at the studio. Our goal is a confident You taking the practice into your life. 
May we begin to work and explore together as a team for you to discover your new self. 

Who we are : 

We Listen to you: your goals , your experience, your stories. You are our teacher. 
We value you, your time and money invested in a commitment to your well being.
We are committed to helping you transform to balance your well being on your own time table. 
We coach you with awareness and connection through self-exploration and play. 
We inspire growth beyond what you may have imagined to discover your new self. 
We are passionate about teaching you from our heart. 

Our studio is :
   . Bright, clean, serene and fresh
   . Equipped with state of the art Pilates and GYROTONIC® equipment. 
   . Conveniently located in central Sarasota 
Call 941-376-0088 to learn how you can get started!
Pilates Gyrotonic Yoga Sarasota FL